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Try these valuable quick tips that have helped so many others like you:

Blended Family Quick Tips

Defer To The Bio-Parent

When the bio parent is home and the stepkid asks you a question, defer them to the bio-parent. This is very important to do, especially on the things that cause you anxiety and stress. For example, if the stepkid asks you where their favorite shirt is, respond with "Ask your dad (or mom)". This removes you from the situation so that there can not be any negative results from the interaction.

Learn To Walk Away

When you are talking to the stepkids or the bio parent and get that feeling inside of you where you know you are about to "cut up like Cheeta", WALK AWAY. Do not continue to feed the discussion. Does anyone remember Cheeta the chimp from the old Tarzan movies? :)

They Are Not Your Kids

They are NOT YOUR KIDS! Biologically they are not your kids. Legally they are not your kids. That's the truth and it is okay. It is okay not to love them like your own, because they are not yours. Don't get defensive, it's reality. This is also where the term Nacho Kids originated. Get it? Not Your Kids (Nacho Kids).

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