Are You Ready To Save
Your Sanity & Your Relationship?
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The step kids don't listen to you and you always feel disrespected.
The bio parent doesn’t make the kids do anything and you feel like a maid.
You have to deal with a high conflict bio-mom.
You are expected to love the step kids like your own, but you don’t.
You have constant fights about the step kids.
Introducing The Nacho Kids Academy
The Academy is the leading training, coaching, and community resource for blended families.
Created by a stepfamily, for stepfamilies!
And it’s packed with in-depth, practical training and resources on all aspects of building a successful blended family so that you SEE RESULTS QUICKLY!
PLUS, the community support you need to ensure your family achieves its full potential.
We can help you reduce your stress and anxiety, and add more joy to your life.
We Didn't Know What We Were Getting Into!
We were married in 2009, little did we know we were about to endure a deep and often painful education in blending two families. To say we went through hell would sum it up. Things were bad... very bad!
Every stepfamily is different, but we had some tough times. You can't tell it by the way we love each other now, but there was a time when we were on the brink of collapse. Everyone was miserable, stressed, and hopeless.
We wish we'd had a resource like the Nacho Kids Academy when we were struggling.
We would love to spare others the pain we endured and skip to the amazing transformation we achieved. We will share how we did it with you, so they can see results fast.
Invest in your family & yourself!
Hey! I'm Lori, the original Nacho Mama, and this is my wonderful husband, David (he made me say that... obviously).
We will be your coaches within the Academy.
Since 2011, We've been helping others, just like you, to use the Nacho Kids Method to create massive change in their lives.
Now, David and I have built an easy to follow system for you so that you can have the same success in less time and much less expense than traditional methods.


Help you build a better relationship with those around you by teaching you proven methods, and walk with you through your journey to actually enjoying your blended family.

Allow you to be with others who have been where you are, who are where you are, or who will probably be where you are. You will be able to share with others without the fear.

Be there with you to guide you into a place where you truly are glad you fought to save your relationship and sanity. We've been there and we understand how hard it is to blend.

Teach you everything we have learned about the art of Nachoing through our decade-long journey. Learn the proper way to Nacho successfully, how to apply the Nacho Kids Method™, and how to survive the blend.

Teach you how to better interact with the stepkids and your significant other to help reduce your stress. You'll learn who you are and who your family members are at a much deeper, more meaningful level.

Help you to stop dreading going home to the blended mess by teaching you how to handle annoyances and pet peeves. We teach you the methods for responding to stressors that get positive results.
Monthly recurring payment - cancel anytime
Hassle-free 30 day money back guarantee
BEST VALUE: Save $98 Annually
Hassle-free 30 day money back guarantee
100% Money Back Guarantee
Listen To What Others Are Saying About Us
"Nacho Kids has brought back some peace and control to my life. It helped teach me how to allow my spouse to parent his children without my intervention and to let things go for the times that the step kids are with us. It's a work in progress and has definitely improved our relationship."
"Nachoing has helped my marriage and reduced my stress levels significantly. It seriously feels so refreshing! It's removed a big weight off my shoulders and I am amazingly happier this way. It's also nice to know I'm not alone and my feelings are okay."
What You Get
Access to a safe, anonymous, members-only community forum to communicate with other members and directly with the creators of the Nacho Kids method, Lori and David.
Two monthly group Q & A Coaching Calls with Lori and David to ask questions and get direct feedback and help.
Access to an ever-growing library of video courses that teach you how to overcome step family challenges and see results FAST!
A weekly email from Nacho Kids with helpful tips and advice to keep you going and keep you focused on your goal.
Challenges in the Academy's community that will challenge you to change your thinking and your actions for lasting success.
Guidance on the proper use of the Nacho Kids Method ("Nachoing properly") and direction on how to re-engage when the time comes.
What You DO NOT Get
Dumped into an online group where everyone knows who you are, removing all sense of privacy for you and your family.
Impersonal, non-interactive content that you are left to consume and figure out on your own. If you could figure it out on your own, you wouldn't be here.
Courses that speak over your head or speak down to you. You're not going to feel bad for doing all you can to improve yourself and your step family.
You don't have to figure it out alone. Lori, David, and even other members are always ready to help you in your journey.
Theory! You know, the "it works on paper" approach. Lori and David have lived the struggle and helped countless step-families, just like yours, to create relationships they never thought possible.
False promises. No, this journey is not easy and you may not always like what you discover along the way. But you will love the results.
100% Money Back Guarantee

Here at the Nacho Kids Academy we believe one course will transform your sanity and blended family more than you ever thought possible. We're so sure of this that we offer a 30-day money back guarantee. If you are not happy with the membership content, or you honestly don't feel it is for you, simply email us to get a full refund, within the first 30 days of your membership.

Monthly recurring payment - cancel anytime
Hassle-free 30 day money back guarantee
BEST VALUE: Save $98 Annually
Hassle-free 30 day money back guarantee
100% Money Back Guarantee
Listen To What Others Are Saying About Us
"Before nachoing all my husband and I did was fight about the step-kids and I resented everything I had to do for them because NOTHING was appreciated. Haven't been nachoing long but we fight way less, I'm not as anxious anymore because my husband has had to step up and parent his kids."
"The beauty of being a Nacho Kids stepparent is, it forces the two parents to step up, communicate, and get on one page about the children. Less stress, less anxiety, and less arguing. Being a nacho parent, is the best decision I have made in a long time, it saved my sanity, and reduced my anxiety."
Nacho Kids Academy is NOT for everyone, and truth be told we’d prefer to help you figure out if it’s not right for you BEFORE you join rather than waste your time. So, let’s cut to the chase...
Who The Nacho Kids Academy Is For
You are going crazy dealing with blended family struggles and you feel like you can't win.
You have followed advice from friends and family but nothing is making a measurable difference.
You are serious about doing the hard work of saving your sanity and your relationship.
Who The Nacho Kids Academy Is Not For
You are looking for a quick fix. You want to keep doing the same things,expecting different results.
You are not willing to follow directions because you feel like you have a good handle on things.
You don't want to work on yourself or your relationships. You are looking for an easy solution.
It might seem strange, us trying to talk you OUT of becoming a member - but truly if the Academy is not the right fit then neither of us benefit. We have a vested interest in your success (you won’t stick around long if we’re not helping, right?) - and that all starts by making sure the Academy is right for you before you join.
So, you have questions? Let us try to answer those for you...
What does Nacho Kids mean? I don’t get it.
The name Nacho Kids sounds mean and insensitive. Why would one say that about their stepkids?
Will my husband get mad at me for using the Nacho Kids method?
How long is the Nacho Kids Academy, I am very busy?
What is the ultimate goal of the Nacho Kids Academy or “Nachoing”?
I'd love to join but I just can't afford it. Are there any discounts?
Why should I pay to be a member of the Nacho Kids Academy when I can just join the Nacho Kids private Facebook group?
What if I don't enjoy the Nacho Kids Academy?
Is all of the content available straight away or is it time-released (drip fed)?
Can I get one-on-one help and support for myself or my family?
Why should I become a member today instead of waiting?
How does the membership work? How long is my commitment?
What happens if I decide to cancel my membership?
Can I access the content released in the Nacho Kids Academy during my membership once I cancel?
Can I upgrade to an annual membership later?
I’m not 100% sure what the Academy is or if it's right for me, do you offer a trial so I can test it out?
Monthly recurring payment - cancel anytime
Hassle-free 30 day money back guarantee
BEST VALUE: Save $98 Annually
Hassle-free 30 day money back guarantee
100% Money Back Guarantee
© 2018-2025 Nacho Kids Academy™. Owned by Nacho Kids® LLC. All Rights Reserved.